They heard the growl, saw the flashing eyes, felt the hot breath, the pulsing heart, the body in motion.
How is it that love and hate live so close together within one pulsing heart?
She bent over the headless body, plunged her hand into its back, pulled out the still pulsing heart, and started to eat it.
The women approached an enormous, glistening pearl gate that arched toward the skydome and led straight into the pulsing heart of the city.
She tried him from the airport while waiting for her one bag to come through, then again when she reached the pulsing overpopulated heart of Tokyo.
I felt like a germ invading a huge pulsing heart.
The center was the pulsing heart of the Cyclan.
He thought of them all, and saw himself clearly on Enterprise, in the time and place he belonged, the pulsing heart of his new home.
He'd made his lair in the pulsing heart of it.
An icy hand damping hard over my pulsing heart.