Two Inside, I felt the pulsing rhythm of amplified dance music rocket into my eardrums.
"And so we leave," said the minstrel softly, the music from the strings rising a little, taking on a sombre beat, a pulsing rhythm.
The pulsing rhythm was all around her now, drowning out even the pounding of her heart, but still she could hear Molly crying out.
The sound effects were said to be loud, with "heavy-hitting" weapon effects and "moody soundtrack that gives each mission its own pulsing rhythms".
They leapt up and down the scale like mountain goats, dancing to their own pulsing rhythm.
It vibrates-twinkles-has a strange pulsing rhythm that doesn't let you go.
In the mosh pit, performers executed synchronised swimming moves to the pulsing rhythm.
The skaters then gyrated to the pulsing rhythm forming a familiar heart shape pumping to the beat.
Others make a pulsing rhythm more typical of crickets.
The ghostly cloud hung beneath the nets, tumbling and churning in time to the pulsing rhythm of the music.