When shopping, compare pumping capacity, horsepower and the amount of electricity needed.
It can provide a wealth of helpful information, including the size and shape of the heart (internal chamber size quantification), pumping capacity, and the location and extent of any tissue damage.
Most oil-producing countries are pumping all they can, leaving the market little capacity to adjust if a big producer halts exports.
In particular, Julabo developed heating and cooling circulators with greater heating and pumping capacity and extended working temperature ranges for use in medical technology and chemical engineering.
After that event, measures were undertaken to dramatically upgrade pumping capacity.
All ballast tanks were blown to bring U-73 to the surface as inflowing water exceeded pumping capacity.
Current measurements of pumping capacity are now in GPM, Gallons Per Minute.
The pump-generators have a generating capacity of 260 MW and pumping capacity of 235 MW.
This increase in the number of choanocytes and hence in pumping capacity enables syconoid sponges to grow up to a few centimeters in diameter.
Volumes of snow output by home snowmakers depend on the air/water mixture, temperature, wind variations, pumping capacity, water supply, air supply, and other factors.