After an upgrade in 1949, the pumps delivered a total of 22,800 gallons per minute (86,300 lpm).
The second pump delivers oxygen-rich blood to every part of your body.
The pump delivers insulin in two modes.
The pump delivers about two gallons per minute, a pretty respectable volume-but it must be primed and won't push water uphill very far.
The pumps deliver the desired flow and composition of the mobile phase through the column.
For example, a pump delivers 180 lit/min and the pressure equals 250 bar, therefore the power of the pump is 75 kW.
A single-piston pump delivers liquid to the outlet only during the discharge stroke.
When the engine is cold and there is no vapour lock in the pipe the pump will deliver the fuel more easily.
The pump delivers baclofen via a catheter to the thecal space surrounding the spinal cord.
The pump delivers a continuous but adjustable basal rate and boluses can be given before meals.