In both cases the best duty was lower than for pumping engines, particularly so for whim engines, whose work was discontinuous.
Such as threshing machine, thrashing machine, different forms of pumping engines and a new kind of windmill.
The main pumping plant consists of four Woolf compound, rotative, beam pumping engines.
Water was a problem over this period; both soughs and pumping engines were used.
They also produced pumping engines, carriages and wagon.
Probably built to shelter giant machines and pumping engines.
In 1871 the firm made pumping and winding engines for Seghill Colliery.
Tin and Copper mining - supplying credit, pumping engines, imported materials: timber balks, coal.
With pumping engines, this gave a more even output to their pumping.
Flooding and coal dust explosions in some mines required improved ventilation and pumping engines.