Lianne stabbed with the tire iron and hit the woman in the throat, pumped full of adrenalin and with her attention focused someplace where the pain wasn't.
He loved baseball with a passion that was obvious and uncommon, running out everything, pumping full bore around the bases.
She was pumped so full of pain-killers that she mistook [571] Homer for Wally in their last few meetings.
The man, whose every muscle had been taut and every vein pumped full, relaxed a little.
Bixler says it was Renwold Brownley and that he was pumped full of lead - as dead as a mackerel.
"She's just pumped full of antivirals, antibacterials, and- what was that other stuff?"
She seemed to have shed most of the dulling effect of the drugs she had been pumped full of in the Ginsberg, and was almost vivacious again.
She was in my bed and had me so pumped full of chemicals that I couldn't think a straight line.
It seemed I must burst into pieces, like a bladder pumped too full of air, little scraps of me flying outwards in every direction, irretrievable, unmendable.
In the main, supermarkets sell substandard loaves, almost unrecognisable as bread - pumped full of additives and preservatives.