In these cases, coiled tubing may be used to pump nitrogen at high pressure into the bottom of the borehole to circulate out the brine.
Marine salvage teams tried over the weekend to save the platform by pumping nitrogen and compressed air into the tanks to expel the water, but they abandoned the rig after bad weather.
In 1972, several F.A.A. engineers, including Eugene Klueg, who is now retired, equipped a DC-9 with an experimental 900-pound system that continually pumped nitrogen into fuel tanks as fuel was used up.
I said, "What about pumping liquid nitrogen in there?
At one point the agency focused on changing the fuel so it is harder to ignite, and later on "inerting" the tanks by pumping nitrogen into them while planes are on the ground.
One method used was to pump liquid nitrogen into the rock, freezing the water until the cut could be sealed.
In 1995, a disastrous procedure that pumped liquid nitrogen under the foundations caused a further 2.5-millimeter tilt in one night.
They considered changing fuel so it would be less prone to turn to vapor, the form in which it is flammable, and pumping inert nitrogen into the empty space in tanks when planes are on the ground.
Many preservers pumped nitrogen into an opened bottle to slow a wine's decline, even though oenological literature suggested that argon was more effective.
In the longer term, the board suggested developing systems that would pump gaseous nitrogen into the tanks, possibly from storage on the ground, to squeeze out the oxygen required to support a fire or explosion, a process known as "inerting."