Moreover, Hale-Bopp has been pumping prodigious quantities of matter into its glowing coma, or gas envelope, now about one million miles in diameter.
These approaches are of widespread applicability, since the relative costs of pumping large quantities of seawater inland are low.
During the Blitz, the vessel pumped vast quantities of water from the Thames to fight fires all along the Thames waterfront.
Archer saw that he was pumping sizable quantities of painkillers into the woman's system.
If you love the full-throttle V-8 soundtrack, an Aero 8, like any high-performance car, can pump stupendous quantities of refined goods out the pipe.
Their main role was to pump huge quantities of water, from lakes, rivers, canals and other sources, into cities hit by a nuclear attack.
Industrial pollution is a bigger concern in Kazakhstan's manufacturing cities, where aging factories pump huge quantities of unfiltered pollutants into the air and groundwater.
Automatic water sprays will pump large quantities of water into the steamy environment to keep the pressure down.
Whilst phoning the police, she is in the process of pumping large quantities of her own blood from her body.
Due to the need to pump large quantities of water over long distances and mountains, the water company of Athens is the second-largest electricity customer in Greece.