For anyone who can't wait for the next trip, a second pumpkin field within walking distance will be open.
I told him how to get to the pumpkin field and that there were two bodies on either side of the field in the woods.
Oh, he lives a little way out of town, in his own pumpkin field.
The farm was one vast pumpkin field, and some of the pumpkins were of enormous size.
One moment we were heeled over in a rented Renault, dumb tourists aground on the bank of a pumpkin field.
So much had happened since Peter fell into the pumpkin field, he was weary as a walrus and glad enough to rest.
Guy and some others would take care of the pumpkin fields, further out.
Agriculture analysts have estimated that this year's harvest from the nation's 74,000 acres of pumpkin fields will be more than 50 percent below average.
I took the enclosed pictures at the town's celebration--a huge barbecue held in a pumpkin field.
The news from the pumpkin fields of Orange County is a bit unsettling.