This they did with little routine oversight, being required to report only their judgments in capital punishment cases to the Nawāb.
The court has exclusive jurisdiction, for example, over reviewing capital punishment cases.
The case lacks the ambiguities in many capital punishment cases.
In 2007, after the country's high court was given the power to review all capital punishment cases, the number dropped even more sharply.
He said black students represented a majority of the 1,000 corporal punishment cases in the school year that just ended.
It would do so, they argued, by removing the race defense as a preeminent factor in capital punishment cases.
First, jurors in capital punishment cases tend to support prosecutors over defendants, the experts said.
But most active are a couple dozen lawyers scattered across the South who devote most or all of their time to capital punishment cases.
But if the court-martial proceeds as a capital punishment case, he could be sentenced to death.
On average nationally, it takes 10 to 12 years for a capital punishment case to move from the sentencing to an execution date, prosecutors said.