He already has the authority to unilaterally request NATO air power to defend peacekeeping troops in Bosnia, but he cannot order punitive attacks.
Yeongyang of Goguryeo launched punitive attacks on Baekje's northern border when he learned of this.
The majority of the country's infrastructure was destroyed during this punitive attack.
It had this unique feature, that both sides lay open to punitive attack.
It has likewise been suggested that Eadred's punitive attack on the ancient minster of Ripon, which carried little military weight, was targeted at Wulfstan in particular.
Along the Amazon river and its major tributaries, repeated slaving raids and punitive attacks left their mark.
Brown's journal states that the party had walked into an ambush, but most latter-day historians have interpreted the event as a punitive attack on the natives by Brown's party.
Admiral Zheng He had orders to launch a punitive attack against the usurper and restore the rightful king.
And through the late 1970's and the 1980's, Vietnam was also engaged in more warfare, as it occupied Cambodia and fought off a punitive attack by China.
His first act after his coronation was to order a punitive attack on Naggaroth.