Classes are in English to enable pupils to gain fluency, whether as a first or second language.
Learning a language, whether they enjoy it or not enables these pupils to gain insight into another culture.
Some second six pupils may even gain experience of jury trials, but this is extremely rare.
The amount of work that a pupil will gain in their second six is dependent on their chambers.
Thirteen pupils gained straight A* and A grades in 10 or more subjects.
Individual pupils have gained success at national level in a variety of fields, both sporting and academic.
The pupils can gain several awards, whilst they attend the swimming lessons.
The learning experience is enhanced much more by broadcasting the lessons through the satellite so that the interior pupils also gain the University benefits.
The following teacher's writing illustrates how his pupils have gained in confidence and initiative.
The first fifteen questions are designed to be easier, and a pupil will gain 5 marks for getting a question in this section correct.