Students residing in the Bronx and Queens constitute the majority of the pupil population.
This means the pupil population at Main School is about 600 (120 per year, with five years).
The school has an average pupil population of 850.
The four schools, with a combined pupil population of 1,460, held an emergency meeting last Monday night that drew more than 600 parents.
Although the school was called the British School, it had a very international pupil population with children from some 50 different countries.
Over the years, the pupil population has grown from 13 classes in 1977 to 1231 students in 36 classes.
In the Jubilee year of 1982 the school had a teaching staff of 82 and a pupil population of approximately 1300.
Its pupil population is primarily made up of boarding students, though a small number of teachers' sons also attend as day pupils.
Since then it has grown from its original pupil population of approximately 30 to over 850.
The school district is financed by the taxpayers of both Warren and Bristol, based on per pupil population from each town.