As pupils progress they take up a wide variety of subjects.
They look at teaching and learning, and how well pupils are progressing.
During the last conseil de classe of the year, held in June, teachers and administrators decide whether or not a pupil can progress to the next grade.
The ungraded primary class was proposed in the mandated changes in the belief that younger pupils progress better at their own pace, without facing the pressure of failing an early grade.
To allow pupils to progress at a pace suited to their own particular aptitudes, they are taught French in sets based on their ability in the subject.
Statements of Attainment are also guides which enable teachers to see how far pupils have progressed in each Attainment Target.
He said schools with "challenging intakes" would not be classified as underperforming if they could show that their pupils progressed as well as the average school.
This spiritual development includes retreats as pupils progress through the school.
Providing that a pupil is progressing normally academically, it is expected that all boys will go on to St. Paul's at age 13.
As a pupil progresses through the Academy, he or she can earn honours through excellence in sport and/or the arts.