Senior pupils will transfer to the main campus in Sedbergh.
The film starts with a new pupil, Shizu, transferring to the school from her hometown Kobe.
Some pupils from Birkdale transferred to the Westborough campus straight away.
Although pupils will transfer with a variety of experiences they should have learned a core of prescribed knowledge.
All pupils previously at Moorhead automatically transferred to the new school, which will have sixth form provision from September 2009.
Teachers and pupils transferred to the new school across the road after the Summer holidays, September 1, 1951.
Several hundred current pupils, meanwhile, will transfer, drop out or vanish.
After finishing at Devonshire House most pupils transfer to London day schools.
Its pupils transferred to the new preparatory department at Campbell College.
Immediately after the pupils had transferred to the new building, the renovation of the old building for the different service facilities started.