She married Mr. Baird in 1937, and until her death 30 years later, was his full partner in all his puppet productions.
Mr. Bunin was an inventor of motion picture techniques used in animated puppet productions for children.
On Boxing Day, Bernard goes through the rehearsal of a dreadful puppet production of The Three Little Pigs.
Amongst its puppet productions are the following.
Utilising around 100 near life-size marionettes, this was the biggest puppet production ever undertaken in Australia.
Later Lucinda reads Shakespeare with her favorite uncle and is inspired to put on a puppet production of The Tempest.
In a puppet production of Stravinsky's opera "Oedipus Rex," he was the raven, bearer of omens.
May 30-June 9: "Obon," a new multi-media puppet production by Ping Chong.
The puppet production is based on the Cervantes classic.
When he was about 12, he staged a full-length puppet production of "Hamlet," using a laundry room window of their house in Washington as a proscenium.