The painting was purchased by an anonymous Houston, Texas resident for $55,000 in 1977 as a gift for his wife.
The robotic compy had been purchased as a gift for Ross when he'd been a child, when their mother was still alive.
It was built in 1903 and was purchased as a gift by the steel magnet Henry Phipps.
I purchased a colorful hand-woven poncho as a gift for my senora.
Its horns are purchased as a gift by a gnarled old woman for her son, a taxidermist who lives with her in a cramped trailer.
However, it can be a disadvantage for the customer if an item is purchased as a gift.
Second thoughts: A pet purchased on the spur of the moment or as a gift for another person (frequently for Christmas).
Heather responds by demanding Mickey's watch, which she purchased as a gift.
It was purchased as a gift from her grandfather in 1990 (for a reported $1.7 million) at auction at Christie's London.
It, after all, was to house the scrolls that Gottesman himself had purchased as a gift to the State of Israel.