A number of printers purchased a licence from Baxter, following the renewal of his patent in 1849.
His income fell as booksellers continued to decline his work, and the Court did not purchase his works following the Restoration.
Following episodes became available to purchase following their original airing.
In 1825 the Company purchased ironworks at Brierley Hill from its previous owner, following his failure, for £20,760.
Because of the popularity of the cakes, Awrey's Bakery purchased the rights to make them, following Bill Knapp's original recipe.
He purchased the Groton Farm from the Downings of London, following the hanging of his father.
During 2000 to 2002 Genesis Energy purchased several electricity and gas retailing entities, following changes to laws governing the electricity industry.
In March 1903, he purchased Dow Jones & Company for $130,000, following the death of co-founder Charles Dow.
Guests seated on stools were able to purchase theirs following the ceremony, with the profits going towards the cost of the coronation.
Thomas Rankin purchased the house in 1918 following Green's death.