Investors in the plans purchased mutual funds through monthly contributions over a 10-year or 15-year period, and were charged a sales load of 50 percent of the first year's payment.
AlpInvest will invest with these firms either by making commitments to new investment funds or by purchasing funds through the private equity secondary market.
Customers who would buy costume jewelry would be happy to purchase mutual funds and vacations from the same people, it was hoped.
If you're looking to purchase funds outside your employer's plan, you have several options.
You can purchase funds directly from the fund companies themselves, like Fidelity, T. Rowe Price, and Vanguard, and avoid extra fees.
Form 18F-1 came into existence in 1971, after several state securities regulators said they prefer their residents not purchase funds that had the option to redeem in kind.
Since winning, Mr. Hess said, he has cut back on the number of hours he works as a salesman and, in addition to Cadillacs, has purchased retirement securities and mutual funds.
Q: The commission has supported the idea of letting investors purchase funds based on advertisements in magazines and newspapers, as opposed to requiring that a prospectus first be mailed - so-called off-the-page fund sales.
When customers purchase mutual funds, they should understand the nature and extent of any conflicts of interest that may affect the transaction.
Through Cathay Wealth Management, the Bank provides its customers the ability to trade securities online and to purchase mutual funds, annuities, equities, bonds, and short-term money market instruments.