James said that there were only 600 airlines in the world and that of these only 125 purchased new planes.
Short of pilots and unable to purchase new planes fast enough, they are unwilling to see American carriers expand service until they can match the routes.
His hard work and determination allowed him to purchase additional planes for his charter-based airline service.
The airline had purchased extra planes for this planned overload of passengers.
Under the terms of its broad, 20-year contract to purchase planes exclusively from Boeing, Delta has certain options available, such as substituting orders for other planes.
Mr. DeFazio said he would seek to add conditions to the loan guarantees, including a requirement that airlines could purchase only American-built planes.
"Operation Blessing" purchased planes to shuttle medical supplies in and out of the refugee camp in Goma, Congo (then Zaire).
In the 1920s the Turkish National Aviation league has held Camel fights as fundraisers in order to purchase planes for the Government of Turkey.
Law enforcement agencies spend millions of dollars to purchase, maintain and fly helicopters and planes for surveillance and other crime-fighting tasks.
We could also have purchased planes elsewhere.