During the 1950s and 1960s, Afghanistan purchased moderate quantities of Soviet weapons to keep the military up to date.
Superstores do not require the customer to purchase large quantities of items.
This system aims to prevent individuals from purchasing small quantities of pseudoephedrine from many different pharmacies.
Home roasters can purchase small quantities of high quality beans from numerous importers and distributors.
Ample, free parking was available in order to appeal to customers with automobiles and encourage them to purchase large quantities.
Lower-cost beads allow riders to purchase greater quantities, hence throws have become more numerous and common.
Please contact the PR department if you are interested in purchasing large quantities.
As a result, operators must regularly purchase large quantities of rock salt.
He purchases guns and large quantities of ammunition for his men, together with a few hundred pounds of glass beads.
However, I had noticed that more and more companies were sending staff out to purchase quantities of fruit for general consumption in the office.