Some members went further, purchasing slaves from non-Quakers for the Society to hold in trust.
The West began purchasing slaves in large numbers and sending them to the Americas.
Northerners also purchased slaves, though on a much smaller scale.
The new agricultural class immigrating from other countries of Europe purchased slaves in large numbers and labor conditions for them were harsh.
African slave traders made use of the cowrie shells to purchase slaves and other goods.
In the 19th century, some members of these tribes who were more closely associated with settlers, began to purchase African-American slaves for workers.
Over the next several years, he began to purchase slaves and a good deal of bank stock in Louisville.
They not only freed their own slaves but they also frequently purchased slaves in order to free them.
He sold much of it at a profit and was able to purchase and maintain slaves.
He also purchased African-American slaves to work as laborers, especially in his lumber operations.