The Iranians have purchased technology for several ballistic missile programs.
Exports earned foreign currency, which was used to fund domestic development projects and to purchase advanced foreign technology and management expertise.
The Metropolitan police have purchased technology to track all handsets in a targeted area.
The diamonds would be sold to provide foreign currency so his nation could purchase much-needed Western technology.
The more reactors Iran has, the easier it will be for it to purchase such dual-use technology, one official said.
Allow China to purchase high technology in the fields of weaponry, aviation, information technology, pharmaceuticals, environmental protection, industrial manufacturing, etc.
The company has purchased foreign technology repeatedly including engine and transmission technologies.
The Soviet Union had never possessed a very large quantity of foreign exchange, and mainly used it to purchase technology with military applications.
Decisions to purchase technology for education are very often political decisions.
Failure of the Federal government procurement system to place a value on accessible features when purchasing electronic and information technology.