About ninety-six thousand hogsheads of tobacco are annually purchased in Virginia and Maryland with a part of the surplus produce of British industry.
About 1.5 billion DVD's are purchased annually in the United States, he said, or about 20 a household.
In recent years, more than a million Sierra Club calendars have been purchased annually.
About $1 billion of research and other services are purchased annually with soft dollars, the report said.
Germany is Europe's biggest producer of cigarettes, producing one-third of the 625 million cigarettes purchased in Western Europe annually.
Among the company's 3,000 outlets, the most highly developed postcard market is Princeton, Mr. Scheller said, where more than 100,000 postcards are purchased annually.
Guest cards may be purchased annually for a nominal fee by landowners.
Pharmaceuticals purchased at 340B pricing account for 2% of drugs purchased in the U.S. annually.
The latter had to be purchased annually.
Life expectancy of slaves was short, and replacements were purchased annually.