The company was purchased once more by a consortium led by John Garfield.
The house was purchased by a consortium which looked to develop it into a country club, but failed to gain planning permission from Wokingham Council.
The machine is being purchased by a nonprofit Canadian consortium.
It was subsequently purchased by a consortium of investors led by Candover in February 1996.
The site was purchased by a consortium of local government authorities in 1964, when a major programme of building work and runway investment was begun.
Movietime provided him with his first television work, but in 1990, the channel was purchased by a consortium of companies including Time Warner.
Things get off to a challenging start when Portugal is purchased by a consortium of Middle Eastern investors.
In 1930, it was purchased by a consortium of Hollywood types.
In May 2002, the Angela and Royal was purchased by a local consortium of business professionals.
Colt, after a long strike, was purchased in 1990 by a consortium of investors, the union and the Connecticut state pension fund.