The purchasing authority have made considerable efforts to collect general practitioners' views towards services.
The Hoover-sponsored bill established the purchasing authority of the federal government and remains in force as of 2009.
Primary care contracts will be monitored by the purchasing authority and could include medical audit and reaccreditation in the future.
The unit will contract for community services with the purchasing authority or general practice executive committee team or with individual practices or the private sector.
Arbitration will be needed to prevent exploitation by the purchasing authority.
And unlike Mr. Tsongas's plan, the California proposal would require all consumers to purchase coverage through the government-created purchasing authorities.
He said that under his plan employers would pay an average premium of 6.75 percent of their payroll to the purchasing authorities, with small businesses paying less.
In most cases a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) is made by the purchasing authority or the Secretary of State.
Each review will be led by an eminent clinician from outside London and a senior NHS manager of a purchasing authority.
As the main purchasing authority, DHAs were given the responsibility for ensuring that the health care needs of their resident population were met.