Job tickets usually require the purchasing organisation to buy a large number of tickets (typically 20 or more), and for at least 50% of their workforce.
By building comparable purchasing organizations they could buy directly from manufacturers and develop a higher stock-turn than the jobbers.
At its most primitive, this would consist of evaluating the specification (issued by the purchasing organization), designing a suitable proposal, and working out a price.
The need for a central purchasing organization to raise living standards and encourage development was acute.
Initially it was a joint purchasing organisation for the sheltered workshops run by its member organisations.
He was also amongst the leadership of the Moshavim Movement, and managed its purchasing organisation.
DekaMarkt is a member of Superunie, a Dutch purchasing organization for supermarkets.
The stores, with annual sales of $22 million, want to build a joint purchasing organization and to computerize operations.
Amid this year's controversy, MedAssets began promoting itself as a purchasing organization unencumbered by the sort of problems that The Times reported.
He served as national co-ordinator of the movement's purchasing organisation and on the board of the Agricultural Bank.