He also said he would try to modernize the Pentagon's purchasing practices and push for another round of base closings to save money.
The website includes case studies highlighting some of the green purchasing practices taking place within Portland's City Bureaus.
Vans has not taken steps to use responsible purchasing practices, which are prices that enable factories to provide decent working conditions.
In fact Robert estimates that in 1992/1993 some £10M was saved through good purchasing practice.
The changes in auto makers' purchasing practices are contributing to a remarkable consolidation of the $720 billion worldwide auto parts industry.
The report cited numerous instances of mismanagement, including shoddy purchasing practices, improper contract bidding and unethical business relationships between current and former city and county officials.
The hotel changed its purchasing practices so that all food is now bought locally.
You can improve your purchasing practices and take action to address cost, environmental and social issues at all stages of your procurement process.
Just this week, it won a George Polk Award, a much sought-after prize for excellence in television journalism, for a report on Wal-Mart's purchasing practices.
We do have an internal group that audits our purchasing practices, and a national accounting firm does random audits as well.