"What pure Aryan can look at that wonderful target," he said, "and not shoot to kill?"
But a clue is discovered: the leader of the Underground is a pure Aryan with hollow cheeks, a long lean body, and a face that never changes expression.
The members of this group are pure Aryans.
It seems that to be really religious, one had to be a pure Aryan and an Aryan was really a Swede.
I was such a pure and terrifying Aryan that they even put me in a special detachment.
He said drugs were a moral evil and a pure Aryan would have nothing to do with them.
Jochen says he's not a pure Aryan.
And he's certainly not a pure Aryan.
Bunsen's writings identified Brahmans as "pure Aryans."
I may not be pure Aryan.