The sensibility of "The Hard Way" is pure Hollywood.
But even his presence couldn't stop our opening night turning into pure Hollywood.
The entrance, however, is pure Hollywood.
The cliches about emotional growth and the Sierra Club calendar vistas are pure Hollywood.
And yet, in his own way, he is pure Hollywood.
This is pure Hollywood, especially the way they find time to examine their consciences while placing explosives in a victim's flat.
In her own case, there really was a way out, leading all the way to a climactic courtroom moment that is pure Hollywood, tears and all.
Many Pearl Harbor survivors dismissed the film as grossly inaccurate and pure Hollywood.
The sensibility is pure Hollywood; and though this is not a perfect comedy, it is a very entertaining one.
Blender magazine observed that the record is "riddled with stars", "packed with production pyrotechnics", and called the album "pure Hollywood".