Still, the intelligent Ythrian remained a pure carnivore, and one which was awkward on land.
Tarants were pure carnivores and not nearly as bright as thracts, but they looked very much like real people.
They simply did not understand the nuances required in uplifting pure carnivores and so failed horribly with their Bururalli clients.
And kzin took up a lot of space; they weighed in at a quarter-ton each, and they were pure carnivores.
They were omnivores that had evolved from pure carnivores, possessed a highly developed social order, and were beginning to experiment with the manufacture of simple hand tools.
The principle is, in fact, similar to the Atkins diet, except that cats are designed to be pure carnivores, and people are not.
Doomwhales have been known to run to as much as one hundred feet in length, and they are pure carnivores.
They only take payment in meat, since they are pure carnivores.
Some starfish are not pure carnivores, supplementing their diets with algae or organic detritus.
They are pure carnivores, created to tear, maim, kill - and devour.