"That's pure drivel," Decker responded disgustedly.
Misgivings of this kind, when I voiced them, were treated by many of my colleagues as pure drivel.
Oh for goodness sake, I'm certainly not a card carrying leftie, but it these statements that Kim Jong Il was some sort of hero to the British left are pure hyperbolic drivel.
Mother," he said harshly, "that part of it is pure drivel--about my having a chance with Dominique.
In our old day such a gathering talked pure drivel and "rot," mostly, but better that, a thousand times, than these dreary conversational funerals that oppress our spirits in this mad generation.
Puure Piffel (1965) (pure drivel)
In McBain's howlingly funny sendup, the novel is pure drivel; but Ollie loved it, and darned if we don't like him for that.
Either his ears, like his eyes, were playing him tricks, or else this waiter-chappie was talking pure drivel.
The results may end up being pure drivel, but they do wonders for the word count.