A surge of pure exhilaration swept through Carol.
Free fall was pure exhilaration.
The pure exhilaration of leading men into battle, however, was something that his memory had not lied about.
Yet making a tandem parachute jump over the atolls beats the lot of them for pure, prolonged exhilaration.
Tharp soared, as if her pure exhilaration in movement exempted her from landing.
A piece that had begun with an air of noble melancholy had worked its way up to pure exhilaration, taking tradition as a blueprint for ecstasy.
For pure exhilaration, Smoltz is unlikely to soon discover another afternoon like the one he enjoyed yesterday.
I was shuddering with pure exhilaration and the red-tinged sweat was pouring down my face.
"It's Edward Hall's staging that's the real winner" he wrote, describing the running sequences as "pure exhilaration".
Initially a matter of anguish, this frequently led to an art of pure exhilaration.