Six kilograms of 'pure' heroin, the news piece said - that was a lot.
Orange are the smaller diabetic syringes, best for pure heroin.
Plus a suitcase packed with twenty pounds of pure heroin.
As a doctor in Iran, it had been possible for him to dose himself with small amounts of the purest heroin from his own practice.
The refinement into pure heroin in one of a dozen clandestine laboratories.
Juan scored some very pure heroin, so that his brother would die by overdose after shooting up.
The cargo in this version consists of pure heroin.
By the end of the show he was on fire, adrenaline pumping through his veins like pure heroin.
But a typical bag now contains 20 percent pure heroin, up from less than 10 percent in the past.
The agents seized more than 1,000 pounds of nearly pure heroin, worth nearly $1 billion on the street.