It didn't take us long to discover that this world was not one of pure sweetness and light, either.
The musculature was just a freak of nature - the dogs temperament was always pure sweetness!
For Smith, this day shared with more than 200 family members and close friends and 63,854 delirious fans at Texas Stadium provided pure sweetness.
This was pure sweetness.
Such lovely brown eyes with their deep fringe of brown lashes; and the pure sweetness of her mouth as she smiled.
The pure technical sweetness of the Bell System gave its operators, inventors and engineers a deeply satisfying sense of power and mastery.
His warmth, gentleness, wisdom and pure sweetness will never be forgotten.
Despite the manic shenanigans, or perhaps because of them, "Tumble Bumble" exudes a pure sweetness that is never cloying or twee.
Oh, the pure sweetness of it.
"No one binges on hard candies, which are pure sweetness," Dr. Stunkard said.