When a character performed only these acts, the character was a pure villain.
In this fashion, Sharma is more of an anti-hero than a pure villain, and the aspect of vengeance dominates much of the film.
Yet Lady Augustus is no more pure villain than her daughter.
Here we are, people who came to them willingly and wanted to do something good, and we are made to look like pure villains.
In the pilot, he's pretty much a pure villain.
Like VanDerWerff, though, he criticized the flat depiction of Pierce as a pure villain.
You see, I don't usually write of pure black-hearted villains.
The far better-known "Richard III," whose central figure is Shakespeare's purest villain, was presented the next day.
He not only looked a bit sinister, but at every turn acted the pure villain and finally managed to alienate virtually the entire world.
A pure villain who delights only in creating pain and terror can be quite educational.