In 1982 they established a stud book with fifty purebred animals and the goal of increasing the numbers in that region.
You have heard that the art show was restricted to works depicting purebred animals until Mr. Caras got into the act.
A competitive animal show may feature the best specimens of purebred animals in a locality or country.
Two conflicting tendencies caused the current rarity of purebred, high-performance animals.
An official Finnhorse studbook was founded in 1907, producing purebred animals in significant numbers for many years.
In 2010 he appeared with his dog, Tony, urging viewers to adopt stray dogs instead of buying purebred animals.
Not all purebred animals have their lineage in written form.
Many people who prefer purebred animals choose to purchase them, often at significant cost, from breeders.
Recognizing the high demand for purebred animals, some people choose to engage in backyard breeding or operate puppy mills.
The company said it planned to sell the cats for $750 to $1,000 each, about the price of some purebred animals.