He has stated that a purely administrative capital such as Canberra is not one of his goals.
New buildings were added, so that the mansion house, which had originally housed the entire establishment, became a purely administrative block.
The judge whose role in this is supposed to be purely administrative has waded in and talked to the prosecutor.
The war was over, and the post of Commander in Chief was now a purely administrative one.
"It's more of a purely administrative and bureacratic problem."
It ended the activities of the Company as a commercial body and became a purely administrative body.
She proved a reliable source of help and advice for the Board, which during this period exercised a purely administrative role.
In such cases, the Commission proposes that the existing purely administrative recognition of certain partnerships should be maintained.
This vote is, to some extent, purely administrative.
The subdivision is purely administrative as it doesn't correspond to the particular railway lines or branches.