They consider fidelity decay to be "the closest quantum analog to the (purely classical) butterfly effect".
Indeed, that is exactly how Vanessa reinvented herself in her teens when she switched from being purely classical to her more innovative brand of techno-acoustic fusion.
Other important works by him were purely classical in style.
In contrast, Mr. Wheeldon's ballet - the first he has choreographed for opera - is purely classical, full of virtuosic fireworks.
Since the Einstein-Cartan theory is purely classical, it also does not fully address the issue of quantum gravity.
The observable map, in the Schrödinger picture, has a purely classical output algebra and therefore only describe measurement statistics.
Barber's head of Liberty is purely classical, and is rendered in the Roman style.
At high enough temperatures, the system is disordered and purely classical.
There is also a large amount of music that is either purely classical in design or Soviet in nature.
Portman told Rebecca Jones from the BBC that her score was "purely classical".