She said the marriage was otherwise of purely sentimental value.
BUT the museum experience will not and cannot, she says, be purely sentimental.
Some came for purely sentimental reasons, others with commercial aspirations.
"I don't invest in assets for purely sentimental or other nonbusiness reasons."
There are many other things we do for purely sentimental reasons, though - like clinging to life in the face of oblivion.
I have no interest in my former home and whatever furniture still exists there, other than a purely sentimental one.
There weren't very many purely sentimental requests, since those things had been taken aboard the time ship and either brought back or abandoned.
I, however, refuse to dispose of them, for purely sentimental reasons.
Now the actor has gone that final step, as the star and director of "Bridges," a purely sentimental movie.
This, you understand, is purely sentimental and wholly irrational.