Theta roles are about the number of arguments that a verb requires (which is a purely syntactic notion).
Chomsky's notion of linguistic competence is purely syntactic.
This allows the symbols in a set of clauses to be interpreted in a purely syntactic way, separated from any real instantiation.
A type is a purely syntactic label associated with a variable when it is declared.
The subordinate clause is a part of the main clause in a purely syntactic complementation.
In all cases, however, they are purely syntactic properties of expressions and variables in them.
A deductive system is used to demonstrate, on a purely syntactic basis, that one formula is a logical consequence of another formula.
A key property of deductive systems is that they are purely syntactic, so that derivations can be verified without considering any interpretation.
In a purely syntactic way, one can go from simple functions to functions that take other functions as their input arguments.
Even though the site offers dynamic, database-driven information, it is presented in a purely syntactic way.