"Walter's Finest Hours" is a first purely theatrical effort but it has the confidence and sensitivity of long practice.
Even those who object to the work on purely theatrical grounds are likely to object strenuously.
This, however, is to ignore the purely theatrical engine that gives the production its locomotive strength.
In purely theatrical terms, the villain's role is usually the choicest.
Purely theatrical, rather than vocal, embellishments are added to keep the audience interested.
Written in 1975, the novel was a purely theatrical invention if ever there was one.
This production may, on one level, be all about words, but it also launches a successful and purely theatrical attack on the senses.
It's purely theatrical, but it's also, for a moment, raw.
Beckett created a purely theatrical language for celebrating the hope in human hopelessness.
Mr. Basch has a quicksilver command of comic tone that seems purely theatrical.