Varying with available food sources in regions of habitation, and also varying with cultural and religious norms, human groups have adopted a range of diets, from purely vegetarian to primarily carnivorous.
It is a purely vegetarian item (though not vegan if butter is used), and is often seen prepared and served fresh by roadside vendors as well as in many restaurants.
Eat purely vegetarian food and refrain from using all forms of intoxicants.
Marwari Bhojnalaya is a popular name among Marwari-style purely vegetarian restaurants in many cities in India.
There are not many purely vegetarian dishes in the region.
You will have no objection to a purely vegetarian diet (essential for the life of a sannyasi).
Vegetarian food in Hoi An: We couldn't find anywhere that was purely vegetarian, and most restaurants have vegetable dishes.
Although most persons derive their protein in part from meat, milk, and eggs, it is possible to satisfy the requirements of the body on a purely vegetarian diet.
"I make a purely vegetarian version with pickling cucumbers that I like, and a cabbage kimchi with fermented oysters that I serve with pan-seared red snapper."
But it seems too strong for a purely vegetarian diet.