The Peculiar People preached a puritanical form of Christianity which proved popular and numerous chapels sprang up throughout rural Essex.
This "aid" has contributed to the spreading of a uniform and puritanical form of Islam, disregarding the needs and traditions of the different ethnic groups.
In other cases, such as Saudi Arabia, the government brought out religious expression in the re-emergence of the puritanical form of Sunni Islam known to its detractors as Wahabism, which found its way into the Saudi royal family.
This culture has been bolstered by the austerely puritanical Wahhabi form of Islam, which arose in the eighteenth century and now predominates in the country.
In effect, Salafism is a still harder-line version of Wahabism, the puritanical form of Islam that Mr. bin Laden absorbed during his formative years in Saudi Arabia.
A 2010 New York Times profile of the university indicates it is run by Muslims who follow Salafist practice, that is, a strict and puritanical form of Islam practiced by the Salafi ("ancestors" or first Muslims ).
As a consequence, he began to preach a simple, puritanical form of Islam that warned against religious innovations and critical of the moral laxity he claimed to see in his contemporaries.
This marked the introduction of a third Abrahamic Middle Eastern religion, following Judaism and Christianity, often in puritanical form.
The House of Saud and the religious establishment, fired by the puritanical form of Islam known as Wahhabism , hold sway in the central region, al-Najd; elsewhere rifts and tensions abound.
The Taliban were educated in strict religious schools and practice a puritanical form of Islam, insisting on isolation for women, mandatory beards for men and amputations and summary executions for thieves, adulterers and blasphemers.