It wasn't really a giant Eggplant, it was really just a big purple balloon.
Just then, a contest staff member walked over to the Waterloo table with a purple balloon.
Phase 2 of the complex broke ground on February 16, 1988 with a ceremony that included thousands of purple, blue, and white balloons being released.
Sammee shifted through colors and widened his grandfather's face until it became a purple balloon ready to pop.
Veined, mottled buds dangle like pale green and purple balloons from the aristolochia vine.
A purple balloon floats above a few sentences about the expanding universe.
He does his act on stage with a blue balloon, then a purple balloon.
Ana came home on Nov. 10 to a house decorated with purple and pink balloons.
A purple balloon reflects a particular wavelength.
(As a foreword explains, dying children, when asked to draw, often represent themselves as blue or purple balloons.)