Siphonsnout - The small purple creature around the water hole.
Enough of the purple creatures scampered away to clear a path for the storyteller.
The second Mini-Monster is a light purple creature with a cat-like head and the lower body of a squid.
Pranopolis appeared on a blank background, a goofy-looking purple creature from outer space.
The police were unaware of her previous actions, including killing people with a large purple creature called Dibbuk (named after, but unrelated to a dybbuk).
The mage form is a purple floating creature with a huge head and is arguably one of the most dangerous characters in the game.
A purple colored creature enters the room and introduces himself as Ipana.
They are two purple creatures with zippers on them.
The purple creature fought the heat, then dropped to the earth, leaving an ugly mark on the main's leg.
The group of purple, multi-limbed creatures were clearly early hunters.