The most impressive addition is a 150-foot tower, sheathed in purple plastic, where youths can practice the basics of mountain climbing.
As he says this he's unfolding the little piece of paper to reveal what looks like several small squares of thin purple plastic.
Tilda, an expert mudlark, retrieved most of the purple plastic, but the pieces were broken and it was hard to see what could be done with them.
Seattle grunge pioneers' first full-length, back on purple plastic.
The bench platform is made of a high gloss, black or purple plastic.
In blue, purple or green plastic, the light takes three C batteries; $20 at Zelco, (800) 431-2486 or
He said that residents take pride in the landmarked neighborhood's historic character, and that purple plastic is out of tune.
The nutria lining is all on the inside; the exteriors are yellow, purple or red plastic that shines like oilskin.
This hive, a purple plastic Beehaus, is doing well.