Ernie watched the orange sun, in a green sky, which was slowly setting against a purple sea.
This was our purple exile on the royal and purple sea.
That was how he had gotten as far as sight of the strange city beside the purple sea.
"It was this uncanny feeling of floating on a purple sea," she said.
Dawn indeed came gradually with a growing noise of wind, and the purple sea began to boil about the dark volcanic cliffs.
To the south, white against a pale blue sky and a ribbon of almost purple sea, there were sheer frozen cliffs.
The water would rise until only the mee-haw tops rose like islands out of the purple sea.
He squinted through fog now rolling in from the purple sea.
All we have gotten so far is some muttering about a purple sea and uranium.
From the window she could not see any trees or houses, only wild land, which looked like a kind of purple sea.