When you go out for golden-rod and asters, you will find also the great purple thistle, one of those cousins who has adopted the same plan of living.
The girl burns the flower of a purple thistle hi the flames and plants the stalk.
He put a purple thistle in Bruce's water glass and looked at the drawing.
The inevitable purple thistles sprouted from the cracked pavement and sidewalks.
Everywhere the purple thistle grew, rank and tangled, clawing at their bare legs with its multitude of thorns.
Small mounds of gray slag dotted the acreage, insolently decorated with purple thistles.
Butterflies flitted among brilliant red poppies, yellow mustard flowers and purple thistles.
It was mauve-tinted, and had purple and green thistles.
At home in Syracuse it would be quite hot by now, the almond blossoms and the big purple thistles blooming.
The grass was dotted with color: blue bells, purple thistles, buttercups.