The main notion of Ivan Illich is the concept of counterproductivity: when institutions of modern industrial society impede their purported aims.
Deterrence by denial is a strategy whereby a government builds up or maintains defense and intelligence systems with the purported aim of neutralizing or mitigating attacks.
This bias seriously undermines the show's purported aim of illustrating America's diversity.
He claimed that the purported aim of the bill, more respect for French-speaking Quebecers, was just.
The purported aim and the motive of the party are to safeguard the rights of Tamils within the Eastern Province.
The purported aim of the CPE law was to break this reluctance.
Since 2003, I.R.S policy has called for spending less time on any one large corporate audit, with the purported aim of auditing more big businesses.
The purported aim of sustainability certification and renewable fuel mandates is to enhance environmental quality.
The purported aim was to ensure minority representation in Parliament.
Alibre's purported aim in this development was to give businesses a cost effective way to geographically distribute teams by enabling networked design environments without incurring large capital expenditures.